Wednesday 26th April 2023
Training for the safe use and handling of PU Adhesives, coatings and sealants.
New REACH regulations imposed by the European Union and it’s member states introduces new minimum training requirements for users of polyurethane adhesives, coatings and sealants. Although the UK are no longer members of the European Union, the UK Government have confirmed that we will be following the same timescale and regulation changes.
As of Thursday 24th August 2023, training is required for all professional and industrial users of products containing diisocyanate (>0.1%). The aim of this new regulation is to enhance the protection of workers and to ensure the application of best practices in terms of health and safety.
Polyurethane (PU) products such as glues, floor coatings, sealants, paints and varnishes are based on diisocyanate chemistry and therefore professional users of these products will be required to complete training in order to use these products. DIY users are not affected by the new regulations.
What do I need to do?
If you use PU adhesives, coatings or sealants in the installation of raised access flooring then you need to complete the relevant training by Thursday 24th August 2023.
How do I access the training?
The training is web-based and can be completed on-line by visiting the following website:
How much does the training cost?
The charge for each online course is 5€ per trainee. To support our customers, Star Uretech are offering all of our customer’s 10 free training places until Friday 1st September 2023. Please contact us for a code that will give you free access to the training.
Which training course do I need to complete?
If you use pedestal adhesives (single or two component) or tanking membranes you need to complete training course 049 - Professional application / Flooring and waterproofing applications.
What topics does the training course cover?
The training is a web-based, self-learning programme that takes approximately 40 minutes to complete and will cover the following topics:
● Introduction ● What are diisocyanates?
● How sensitisation can arise ● Personal health
● Emergency measures ● Behavioural security
● National codes ● Flooring and waterproofing applications
This self-study programme concludes with a quiz. After you have viewed all the modules in full and passed the quiz, you will receive a certificate to download as a PDF and print out.
When must I complete the training?
Training must be completed by Thursday 24th August 2023.
Have the hazards of using StarFix adhesives changed?
No, the hazards of using StarFix pedestal adhesives and tanking membranes have not changed. Due to the unique formulation and typically well ventilated areas of application, no breathing apparatus is required as part of your personal protective equipment.
Does this change my ability to supply or use PU adhesives?
No, you will still be able to supply and use the products in a safe manner and most things will remain unchanged.
If you require more information you can speak to us directly by calling 01772 700667 or you can email us at info@star-uretech.com
More information can also be found using the following links:
www.star-uretech.com/news - www.isopa.org - www.safeusediisocyanates.eu
Wednesday 9th September 2022
Everyone at Star Uretech is very saddened to hear about the passing of Tony McCormack @pavingexpert
A terrible loss. It was always such a pleasure to see him at trade shows and read his excellent, humorous reviews. His website has been the most incredible resource for unbiased, information on all aspects of hard landscaping for many years. A true expert and legend in the industry and was always happy to share his incredible knowledge. He will be missed by so many and our thoughts are with his family.
Friday 15th October 2021
The Star Uretech team continues to grow
We are very happy to announce that we have secured the services of a new team member. Whilst originally employed as our ‘Toy Durability Analyst’ Tetley has already taken on new responsibilities. You can read more about Tetley on the ‘About Us’ page of our website.
Friday 24th September 2021
Resin bound raw material supply update
Firstly, everyone at Star Uretech send our sympathies to all those effected by the fire at Leeson’s Polyurethanes. In particular to the family and friends of David Boswell. We send our deepest condolences.
Supply: The global shortages of raw materials used in adhesives, sealants and coatings have started to ease as expected and supply in the UK is starting to return to normal levels. We remain confident that we will continue to meet all of our existing customers’ demands. Recent domestic events have clearly had dramatic consequences on an already struggling UK bound resin industry. We continue to be inundated with requests for materials from across the industry however we are not currently accepting more new customers. As, promised, we will be contacting some of the companies that made enquiries in June/July as more stock becomes available.
We could be mistaken however we believe that one of our indirect competitors can accept new business. Whilst we are not usually in the habit of promoting our competitors, we understand that many people’s livelihoods depend on an increasing urgent supply of resin.
Price: Material prices seem to be levelled out with an average cost increase of between 5% and 10%. Whilst we do not expect the prices to return to 2020 levels we also do not predict any further large increases. As a commodity market the prices are hard to predict and information from RM suppliers is non-committal however, we would advise anyone quoting for future installations to assume a 10% to 20% increase to current material costs.
Systems: Star Uretech will not manufacture or supply non-UV stable or single component systems. This is a commercial decision we made several years ago as we do not believe that these systems are fit for purpose. It is our opinion that degradation of colour, deflection properties and an inadequate level of moisture tolerance are unacceptable failings in what is a high-end surfacing system.
Resin bonded: Supply of our StarScape range of resin bonded systems are not affected by the raw material shortages limiting the supply of resin bound systems. This is a different technology to both resin bound systems and other (inferior) bonded systems available in the UK.
Monday 10th May 2021
Resin bound raw material supply update
Global shortages of raw materials used in adhesives, sealants and coatings continue to impact supply in the UK.
We have been working very hard to secure raw materials and we remain confident that we will continue to supply our current customers and they will remain unaffected by any price increases.
We continue to be inundated with requests for materials from across the industry and whilst we may have some additional capacity, we are currently not accepting new customers.
We continue to remain confident that we will have significant levels of stock by the end of July or early August and we will review allocations to new customers at this point. We are working to secure more raw materials and will review the situation on a monthly basis. When we have excess capacity we will contact those that have already been in touch with us.
Resin bonded – Supply of our StarScape range of resin bonded systems are not affected by the raw material shortages limiting supply of resin bound systems. This is a different technology to both resin bound systems and other bonded systems available in the UK.
Monday 22nd March 2021
Resin bound raw material supply update
Whilst information about raw material supply issues for resin bound systems continues to circulate we are aware of some confusion. There are currently many global shortages of raw materials used in adhesives, sealants and coatings. This is leading to mixed messages about the current and future supply status of resin bound systems. The main problem in resin bound supply is specific to a raw material called Hexamethylene Diisocyanate and the issues regarding certain chain extenders (diols) and raw materials used in silicone based sealants, are not connected to resin bound supply.
We have been working very hard to secure raw materials and we are confident that our current customers will remain unaffected by any supply shortages or price increases. Our capacity to supply and hold our prices are not expected to change in 2021.
Obviously we have been inundated with requests for material from across the industry and whilst we may have additional capacity, we are currently not accepting new customers until our existing customer’s requirements are fulfilled.
Moving forward, we expect to have significant levels of stock by the end of July to early August and we will review allocations to new customers at this point. We are working to secure more raw materials and will review the situation on a monthly basis. When we have excess capacity we will contact those that have already been in touch with us.
Resin bonded – Supply of our StarScape range of resin bonded systems are not affected by the raw material shortages limiting supply of resin bound systems. This is a different technology to both resin bound systems and other bonded systems available in the UK.
We will of course do all we can to keep everyone informed of any changes.

Friday 19th March 2021
Resin bound raw material supply
As problems in the global supply of isocyanates continue to worsen, Star Uretech has decided that we will not currently be accepting orders from new customers. All indications are that key raw materials entering the UK will be severely limited until July/August. We will make every effort to keep our customers informed of any changes and are working constantly to source raw materials from across the globe.
Please note that our StarScape range of resin bonded products use a different technology and supply is not affected.
Thursday 18th March 2021
The 'Links' section of our website goes live
The 'Links' page of our website is now live and can be used to find the internets best resources regarding raised access flooring, resin bound & bonded surfacing and industrial floor coatings. We will be adding new links to the page on a regular basis.
Friday 12th March 2021
Statement regarding supply and prices in the resin bound surfacing market.
Anyone working in the decorative resin surfacing industry will be aware of supply issues and potential price increases. We would like to offer some clarity regarding the situation and will keep our website updated with information should the situation change.
There have been global supply shortages of a chemical used in UV resistant resin bound systems since 2017 when the first force majeure was announced. The chemical in question is called Hexamethylene Diisocyanate (HDI) and typically makes up most or all of a resin bound systems ‘B’ component. The supply issues are not limited to HDI and also affect MDI (Methyl Diisocyanate) which is used to manufacture some paints, glues and insulation and TDI (Toluene Diisocyanate) which is used to produce foams such as those found in mattresses or furniture.
Why are there supply shortages?
This is not a new situation (manufacturers deal with force majeure on a daily basis) and it cannot be attributed to a single cause. A combination of production problems, feedstock supply issues, the COVID pandemic and unpredicted growth in the use of HDI throughout global markets are all contributing factors. Supply shortages have been experienced since 2017 and whilst isocyanate producers have plans to meet the demands these take time to come to fruition. New production plants are planned to open with the first being in China 2024 and additional supply of HDI coming from plant conversions in North America. Whilst the COVID pandemic has caused delays in production throughout the world, the main issue is with the raw materials used in the production of isocyanates. In November and December of 2020, hurricanes hit the US Gulf Coast and resulted in logistical issues with feedstock. With Dow Chemical’s already declaring force majeure on many isocyanates in October, Huntsman and Covestro soon followed with force majeure on their MDI products. European supply is always challenged by global demand but has seen a small increase in the availability of certain HDI products since January.
Why are prices increasing?
Whilst BREXIT certainly plays a part in the price of some specific raw material price increases, HDI is not affected. The driving factor for isocyanate price increases is simple supply and demand. It should be noted that whilst a 10% price increase for a raw material may initially sound significant it is 10% on a part of the systems formulation and not 10% on the kit itself. This is further negated to an extent by the percentage of cost that the raw material contributes to the kit as a whole.
What are Star Uretech doing about the situation?
Whilst the industry is exceptionally volatile, Star Uretech can confirm that we currently have no supply issues or plans to increase our prices in 2021.
We are always monitoring the global markets and increase our stock holding in advance of force majeure. We have an exceptionally strong supply chain and the unique formulation of StarScape ULTRA Resin Bound Surfacing means that we are not as badly affected as some of the older formulations and technologies.
We will of course keep our customers informed well in advance of any changes and prioritise our existing customer base however, it is currently business as usual with no supply shortages or price increases at Star Uretech.
What will happen next?
It is uncertain when the situation regarding supply and pricing will ease however based on forecasts Star Uretech predict that supply issues will be significant until the third quarter of 2021 with prices of MDI and TDI increasing and HDI seeing increases of a further 8% to 12% in this period. We predict the prices will return closer to normal levels by the end of 2022 as they take significantly longer to fall than to climb.
If you have any concerns or questions regarding the supply and price issues please feel free to give us a call. We are honest, open and always happy to help.
Wednesday 10th March 2021
StarScape Paragon - Twelve new resin bound aggregate blends released.
We have released twelve new speciality, resin bound aggregate blends and this range is called 'StarScape Paragon'. Each blend is based upon a deep black base with a subtle infusion of colour or sparkle. You can click on the images to enlarge them however the pictures really don't do the glitter additions justice:












Monday 8th March 2021
Resin Bound Knowledge Base goes live
Whilst our new website is still a work in progress with new pages being added weekly, we have opened our Resin Bound Knowledge Base section of the site. This covers everything from basic specification to more advanced information such as the chemistry behind whitening/blooming issues.

Resin Bound Knowledge Base
Resin Bound Knowledge Base
Friday 5th March 2021
StarScape website members area goes live
The members area of our website is now open to current customers. This enables members to download all of our product documentation including safety data sheets.